The AWS Certification Bundle


Prep courses and practice exams for the AWS Certified Data Analytics and AWS Certified Machine Learning certification exams.

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Prepare for the AWS Certified Data Analytics and AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exams for one low price!

Join over 75,000 students worldwide who have used these courses and practice exams to get ready for these challenging and elite AWS certifications. You’ll learn from Frank Kane and Stephane Maarek – two of the most popular and well-reviewed online instructors on the planet.

This bundle includes 24 hours of video content, 3 full-length simulated practice exams, and hands-on activities to help you understand how these systems fit together.

You’ll get the following four courses on; their combined list price is $145, but you’ll get them all for just $99 – over 30% off!

Here’s a sample of some of our online reviews for these prep courses and exams:

Joe King

This practice exam is the best out there. If you can pass this, then you can probably pass the real test.

Mark Peng

The practice exam questions covered wide and useful topics relating to the ML specialty exam and really helped me to pass!

Bradon Veber

This was the best practice test I could find.

David Kolb

Thanks to Frank and Stephane for these true to form practice exams. These helped me pass the AWS Machine Learning Specialty in January 2021. I have studied machine learning for some time, but these practice exams were essential in learning the skills required to pass the exam. The practice exams cover all the necessary AWS and Machine learning topics included in the AWS Machine Learning Specialty.

Kiran Krishnamurthy

I cleared my certification last week with a score of 930+ and very grateful to Frank Kane and Stephane Maarek’s course on this. I took up this exam a day before my certification and helped to give me good confidence going into the certification

Ashok Kumar Yadav

Thank you Frank & Stephane for the awesome course. The course teaches real world big data cloud skills for solutioning & architecting. Really helpful for clearing AWS certification. Highly Recommended!! I cleared my exam in first attempt.

Srinivas Brahmadevara

This is the best hands-on course for AWS Data Analytics certification exam. Frank and Stephane are great instructors. The quizzes provided at the end of each section would help you test your understanding of the concepts.

Pruthvi T Reddy

Passed the exam today – this was really helpful.

Velusamy Marimuthan

Thank you Frank Kane and Stéphane Maarek for putting together such a comprehensive course with hands-on exercises. The practice exam and explanations to each question was great as well. I was able to pass this difficult exam with great ease. I highly recommend this course to everyone.

Stephen K Stetler

I can’t believe I’ve barely started this course and it already covers so much more detail than A Cloud Guru’s.

David Kolb

Thanks to Frank and Stephane for this excellent course. This helped me pass the AWS Machine Learning Specialty in January 2021. I have studied machine learning for some time, but this course was essential in honing the skills required to pass the exam. The course covers all the necessary AWS and Machine learning topics included in the AWS Machine Learning Specialty and they are presented in a clear and precise way.

Sally Liu

This course is concise and no-fluff — covering the essential things you need to know to pass the exam. I spent 29 hours total to prepare for the exam and pass it 970/1000.

Hayelom Weldemariam

Great all around course and very helpful – covers everything on the exam.

Ramanujam Mangena

Successfully passed the exam! Course is to the point and easy to recap all the areas. But remember that actual exam questions could be tricky. Good Luck!!

Christian Orrego

Excellent course. I just got my certification !!! Thanks.

Yash Somaiya

Far Better then the other Practice tests

Srinivas Brahmadevara

This is a good practice test to gauge yourself before taking the actual exam. The questions are nicely formatted to simulate the actual test. I took the exam yesterday and cleared it with a score of 83% !!!

Fotios Stathopoulos

Great practice, absolutely helpful for the exam